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1.3 The Power of Perspective

Check out this rotating mask optical illusion. When the hollow side of the mask faces the camera directly, the brains of most people can't see the hollow side, and so replace it with a 3D mask projecting outwards again. Yet a 2009 study showed that people diagnosed with schizophrenia were more likely to still see the hollow see the truth! Are the Neurodiverse wired to see through society's illusions? This can be disconcerting, but the truth sets us free!


1. This cube can be seen to be missing a chunk from the corner facing the screen OR (paradigm-shift): the missing chunk can be seen to be the only real thing in an empty box, with the dark purple box hovering in the top right corner of a room with a light purple roof. Has psychology tried to cut out the only real thing, the human soul?

2. This girl can be seen to be spinning clockwise OR (paradigm-shift): anti-clockwise. Are situations and the cycles of the planet spinning our way and in our favor, or against us?

3. These diagonal lines seem to be add odds with each other OR (paradigm-shift): perfectly parallel! Are the messages of the self-other dichotomy that permeate the media making us feel that we're out of sync with the people and world around us?

4. "Teach" and "Learn" are two sides of the same coin.

5. Is this a picture of three girls having coffee OR (paradigm-shift): when you half close your eyes or you zoom out, is there a face looking at you? When our eyes aren't fixated on the mundane things of the world, in the alpha state between waking and dreaming, a divine face and personality reveals Himself.

6. A series of purple lights are taking it in turns going off OR (paradign-shift): there is a green circular light moving around the circle and taking the place of the purple dots. Are the dominant people around us forcing themselves over our light, or is the ubiquitous colored light taking it in turns submitting to allow for a kind of yin yang flow?

7. I can see "you" within "me" and I can see "me" by finding "you."

8. Within the “question” is the “answer,” and by knowing the “answer” you can help frame the right “question.”


9. Is this a picture of black animals OR (paradigm-shift): a couple embracing in white? Is the natural world composed of dark animals in a vicious fight for survival of the fittest, or is love at the center of it all?


10. Is this a picture of rows of boxes OR (paradigm-shift): rows of circles hovering over horizontal lines? Is life a series of confining boxes upon boxes, or are there ways to step outside of the box and see things in well-rounded ways?


11. Is this a picture of a sleeping tiger under a tree in dark colors OR (paradigm-shift): a much larger picture of a prowling tiger in white, which the trees make up? Is the life-force in the world passive and dormant, or when you zoom out do you see a much larger picture of an active presence that has Its eyes fixed on you?


12. Is this an Australian Aborigine stone structure like the Moai statues on Easter Island OR (paradigm-shift): a hooded, Eskimo-like person going into a dark doorway? Behind the doors that open for us is an ancient personality and intelligence.

Scroll through these illustrations of the Power of Perspective. Click the image/video to see the whole thing, and read about the perception shift you can experience through each with the explanations below.

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The sky awaits...

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